
Dipl.-Ing. Oliver Eigner BSc

  • Coordinator AI and Digital Transformation
    Service and Competence Center for Higher Education Development and Quality Management
  • Researcher IT Security (BA)
  • Department of Computer Science and Security
Location: B - Campus-Platz 1
P: +43/2742/313 228 691

Study programmes

  • Smart Engineering (BA)
  • Data Intelligence (MA)
  • Information Security (MA)
  • IT Security (BA)


  • Media and Digital Technologies
  • Computer Science and Security

Short profile

  • 09/2014 – 09/2016 St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, Master Information Security
  • 09/2011 - 09/2014 St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, Bachelor IT Security
  • 07/2013 - 09/2013 Compulsory Internship ITSV GmbH, Network Security Management
  • Higher Technical School for Information and Network Technologies Ybbs a. d. Donau, graduation in June 2011

Download CV


Selected Publications


Kovac, F., & Eigner, O. (2024, April 22). Unlocking the Power of Active Learning: A Hands-on Exploration. Workshop at Machine Learning Prague (MLPRAGUE) 2024, Prague, Czech Republic.
Adrowitzer, A., Temper, M., Buchelt, A., Kieseberg, P., & Eigner, O. (2024). Safeguarding the Future of Artificial Intelligence: An AI Blueprint. In Artificial Intelligence for Security (pp. 3–22). Springer Cham.
Priebe, T., Kieseberg, P., Adrowitzer, A., Eigner, O., & Kovac, F. (2023). Sustainability Effects of Robust and Resilient Artificial Intelligence. In A. Holzinger, P. Kieseberg, F. Cabitza, A. Campagner, A. M. Tjoa, & E. Weippl (Eds.), Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction (Vol. 14065, pp. 188–199). Springer Nature Switzerland.
Kovac, F., Eigner, O., Adrowitzer, A., Scholnast, H., & Buchelt, A. (2022). Classification of rain events using directional radio data of commercial microwave links. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Omni-Layer Intelligent Systems (COINS), 1–6.
Anderluh, A., Dam, T., Eigner, O., Herburger, M., Hochstrasser, C., Kieseberg, P., & Wagner, A. (2022, July). Cyber security in resilient multimodal logistics. EUROMA 2022 Papers. EUROMA 2022, Berlin.
Eigner, O., Eresheim, S., Kieseberg, P., Klausner, L. D., Pirker, M., Priebe, T., Tjoa, S., Marulli, F., Mercaldo, F., & Priebe, T. (2021). Towards Resilient Artificial Intelligence: Survey and Research Issues. Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience, 536–542.
Di Giacomo, U., Casolare, R., Eigner, O., Martinelli, F., Mercaldo, F., Priebe, T., & Santone, A. (2021). Exploiting Supervised Machine Learning for Driver Detection in a Real-World Environment. Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier(25th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information&Engineering Systems, in Procedia Computer Science no. 192), 2440–2449.
Luh, R., & Eigner, O. (2019, January 29). Google Hacking. Security Day, FH St. Pölten.
Eigner, O. (2019, May 20). Grundlagen Projektmanagement (Rolle als Sicherheitsexperte) Thema der Fallstudie: Unterirdische Packstation an der FH Kiel. International Staff Week, Fachhochschule Kiel, Sokratespl. 1, 24149 Kiel, Deutschland.
Eigner, O. (2019, May 21). Künstliche Intelligenz: Diskussion über Schnittflächen zwischen KI / Big Data / IT-Sicherheit und Ethik. International Staff Week, Fachhochschule Kiel, Sokratespl. 1, 24149 Kiel, Deutschland.
Eigner, O. (2019, May 22). Übungseinheit: Einführung in IT-Sicherheit für 2 verschiedene Gruppen. International Staff Week, Fachhochschule Kiel, Sokratespl. 1, 24149 Kiel, Deutschland.
Eigner, O., Kreimel, P., & Tavolato, P. (2018). CPS-Security.
Eigner, O., Kreimel, P., & Tavolato, P. (2018). Attacks on Industrial Control Systems – Modeling and Anomaly Detection. International Workshop on FORmal Methods for Security Engineering - ForSE 2018. International Workshop on FORmal methods for Security Engineering - ForSE 2018.
Eigner, O., Kreimel, P., & Tavolato, P. (2018). Identifying S7comm Protocol Data Injection Attacks in Cyber-Physical Systems. 5th International Symposium for ICS & SCADA Cyber Security Research 2018. ICS CSR, Hamburg, Deutschland.
Tavolato, P., Eigner, O., & Kreimel, P. (2018). CPS Security - Verhaltensbasierte Anomalie-Erkennung in Cyber-Physischen Systemen. Austro-European Security Research Innovation.
Eigner, O. (2017, October 11). Verhaltensbasierte Anomalie-Erkennung und Angriffsklassifizierung in Cyber-Physischen Systemen. IT-SECX, St. Pölten, Austria.
Kreimel, P., Eigner, O., & Tavolato, P. (2017). Anomaly-Based Detection and Classification of Attacks in Cyber-Physical Systems. International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security.
Eigner, O., & Kreimel, P. (2017, September 15). Sicherheit in Cyper-physischen Systemen. Forschungsfest Niederösterreich, Palais Niederösterreich, Herrengasse 13, 1010 Wien.
Eigner, O., Kreimel, P., & Tavolato, P. (2016). Detection of Man-in-the-Middle Attacks on Industrial Control Networks. 2016 International Conference on Software Security and Assurance (ICSSA), St. Pölten, Austria.