
FH-Prof. Mag. Dr. Simon Tjoa

  • Head of Department
  • Academic Director Cyber Security and Resilience (MA)
  • Head of Research Institute
    Institute of IT Security Research
  • Member of the UAS Board from 2023 to 2026
  • Department of Computer Science and Security
Location: B - Campus-Platz 1
M: +43/676/847 228 641

Study programmes

  • Cyber Security and Resilience (MA)
  • Digital Innovation and Research (MA)
  • IT Security (BA)
  • IT-Security Expert (acad.)
  • Management and Digital Business (BA)
  • Digital Healthcare (MA)
  • Information Security (MA)


  • Computer Science and Security
  • Media and Digital Technologies
  • Digital Business and Innovation


Tjoa, S., Gafic, M., & Kieseberg, P. (2024). Cyber Resilience Fundamentals (Vol. 1). Springer.
Tjoa, S., Gafic, M., & Kieseberg, P. (2024). Testing and Improving Cyber Resilience. In Cyber Resilience Fundamentals (pp. 105–124). Springer International Publishing.
Tjoa, S., Gafic, M., & Kieseberg, P. (2024). Managing the Cyber Resilience Process. In Cyber Resilience Fundamentals (pp. 37–46). Springer International Publishing.
Tjoa, S., Gafic, M., & Kieseberg, P. (2024). Reacting to Cyber Incidents. In Cyber Resilience Fundamentals (pp. 91–104). Springer International Publishing.
Tjoa, S., Gafic, M., & Kieseberg, P. (2024). Analyzing the Organization. In Cyber Resilience Fundamentals (pp. 47–59). Springer International Publishing.
Tjoa, S., Gafic, M., & Kieseberg, P. (2024). Building Cyber Resilience. In Cyber Resilience Fundamentals (pp. 61–79). Springer International Publishing.
Tjoa, S., Gafic, M., & Kieseberg, P. (2024). Cyber Resilience Fundamentals. In Cyber Resilience Fundamentals (pp. 13–21). Springer International Publishing.
Tjoa, S., Gafic, M., & Kieseberg, P. (2024). Resilient Operations. In Cyber Resilience Fundamentals (pp. 81–89). Springer International Publishing.
Tjoa, S., Gafic, M., & Kieseberg, P. (2024). Standards and Best Practices. In Cyber Resilience Fundamentals (pp. 23–35). Springer International Publishing.
Kieseberg, P., Tjoa, S., & Gafic, M. (2024, February 16). Transferring the concept of tabletop exercises into the legal domain. Conference Proceedings IRIS 2024. IRIS 2024, Salzburg, Austria.
König, L., Pirker, M., Tjoa, S., & Kieseberg, P. (2024). Distributed Information Security Auditing Using Blockchains. ERCIM NEWS, 137, 54–55.
Kieseberg, P., Tjoa, S., & Holzinger, A. (2024). Controllable Artificial Intelligence. ERCIM News, 136, 46–47.
König, L., Pirker, M., Geyer, H., Feldmann, M., Tjoa, S., & Kieseberg, P. (2023). DISA - A Blockchain-Based Distributed Information Security Audit. Information Integration and Web Intelligence, 27–34.
Kieseberg, P., Tjoa, S., & Holzinger, A. (2023). AI kontrolliert einsetzen – Trustworthy AI, Controllable AI und Beschaffung sicherer AI. USANCEN, 1, 15–17.
Kieseberg, P., Tjoa, S., & Holzinger, A. (2023). Procurement of Secure AI – A Practical Guide. ERCIM-News, 135, 36–37.
Ameel, H., Decavele, T., Eeckhout, C., Van Der Heide, J., Lohner, D., Van Der Ploeg, B., Rietberg, W., Steiner-Cardell, A., Tjoa, S., Kochberger, P., Kävrestad, J., & Luh, R. (2023). Experiences From a Multi-National Course in Cybersecurity Awareness Raising. International Journal of Information Security and Cybercrime, 12(1), 18–22.
Tjoa, S., Temper, P. K. M., Temper, M., Zanol, J., Wagner, M., & Holzinger, A. (2022). AIRMan: An Artificial Intelligence (AI) Risk Management System. 2022 International Conference on Advanced Enterprise Information System (AEIS), 72–81.
Kieseberg, P., Buttinger, C., Kaltenbrunner, L., Temper, M., & Tjoa, S. (2022, July 18). Security considerations for the procurement and acquisition of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), Padua.
Thron, R., Dirnberger, H., Tjoa, S., & Quirchmayer, G. (2022). Requirements and Challenges for Digital Forensic Readiness in Industrial Automation and Control Systems. IEIM 2022: 2022 The 3rd International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management, 232–238.
Hense, J., Tjoa, S., & Kieseberg, P. (2022). Fighting Cybercrime through Education: Integration of an Educational Cyber Defence Centre into Cyber Security Curricula. ERCIM News, 129, 38–39.
König, L., & Tjoa, S. (2022). A Design Thinking Approach on Information Security. AINA 2022: Advanced Information Networking and Applications, 503–515.
Lang-Muhr, C., Tjoa, S., Machherndl, S., & Haslinger, D. (2022). Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery A simulation game for holistic cyber security education. 2022 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 1296–1302.
Kieseberg, P., & Tjoa, S. (2022). Guest Editorial: Special Issue on the ARES-Workshops 2021. JoWUA, 13(1), 1–3.
Zanol, J., Buchelt, A., Tjoa, S., & Kieseberg, P. (2022, February 24). What is "AI"? Exploring the scope of the "Artificial Intelligence Act." Tagungsband IRIS 2022. IRIS Internationales Rechtsinformatik Symposium.
Thron, R., Dirnberger, H., Tjoa, S., & Quirchmayr, G. (2022). Requirements and Challenges for Digital Forensic Readiness in Industrial Automation and Control Systems. 2022 The 3rd International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management, 232–238.
Gafic, M., Tjoa, S., & Kieseberg, P. (2022). A Novel Approach Integrating Design Thinking Techniques in Cyber Exercise Development. Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied CyberSecurity (ACS) 2021, 103–113.
Lang-Muhr, C., Tjoa, S., Machherndl, S., & Haslinger, D. (2022). Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery A simulation game for holistic cyber security education. 2022 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 1296–1302.
Gafic, M., Tjoa, S., Kieseberg, P., Hellwig, O., & Quirchmayer, G. (2022). Cyber Exercises in Computer Science Education. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Information Systems and Privacy (ICISSP), 404–411.
Kieseberg, P., Bechtel, T., & Tjoa, S. (2021, October 11). Evaluation of Password Replacement Schemes. Proceedings 2021 International Conference on Software Security and Assurance (ICSSA), IEEE. 2021 International Conference on Software Security and Assurance (ICSSA), IEEE, Penn State University Altoona, Pennsilvania, USA.
Kieseberg, P., Tjoa, S., & Geyer, H. (2021). Security Management and the Slow Adoption of Blockchains. ERCIM News, 125, 47–48.
Tjoa, S. (2021). Cyber-Security-Studium an der FH St. Pölten. Cyber-Security-Guide.
Kieseberg, P., & Tjoa, S. (2021). Guest Editorial: Special Issue on the ARES-Workshops 2020. Journal of Wireless Mobile Networks, Ubiquitous Computing, and Dependable Applications, 12(1), 1–2.
Eigner, O., Eresheim, S., Kieseberg, P., Klausner, L. D., Pirker, M., Priebe, T., Tjoa, S., Marulli, F., Mercaldo, F., & Priebe, T. (2021). Towards Resilient Artificial Intelligence: Survey and Research Issues. Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience, 536–542.
König, L., Korobeinikova, Y., Kieseberg, P., & Tjoa, S. (2020). Comparing Blockchain Standards and Recommendations. Future Internet 2020, Future Internet 2020.
Tjoa, S., Buttinger, C., Holzinger, K., & Kieseberg, P. (2020). Penetration Testing Artificial Intelligence. ERCIM News, 123, 36–37.
König, L., Unger, S., Kieseberg, P., & Tjoa, S. (2020). The Risks of the Blockchain A Review on Current Vulnerabilities and Attacks. Journal of Internet Services and Information Security (JISIS), Volume: 10, Number: 3, Volume 10, 110–127.
Luh, R., Temper, M., Tjoa, S., Schrittwieser, S., & Janicke, H. (2019). PenQuest: a gamified attacker/defender meta model for cyber security assessment and education. Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques.
Tjoa, S. (2019, January 29). Nostradamus 4.0 – Die Wissenschaft hinter Vorhersagen. Security Day, FH St. Pölten.
Tjoa, S. (2018, February 20). Neuer Studiengang „Data Science and Business Analytics. Studiengangbeirat, Fachhochschule St. Pölten.
Rieger, D., & Tjoa, S. (2018). A Readiness Model for Measuring the Maturity of Cyber Security Incident Management. International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems (INCoS-2018).
Geko, M., & Tjoa, S. (2018). An Ontology Capturing the Interdependence of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Information Security. CECC 2018: Proceedings of the Central European Cybersecurity Conference 2018. CECC 2018: Proceedings of the Central European Cybersecurity Conference 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Luh, Robert, Temper, M., Tjoa, S., & Schrittwieser, S. (2018). APT RPG: Design of a Gamified Attacker/Defender Meta Model. International Workshop on FORmal Methods for Security Engineering. International Workshop on FORmal methods for Security Engineering.
Tjoa, S. (2018). Data Science and Business Analytics - Staune was mit Daten alles möglich ist. BEST, Wien.
Tjoa, S. (2018). Big Challenges – Future cyber-security challenges and the role of software security and assurance in the era of IoT, industry 4.0 and big data. ICSSA Konferenz, Seoul, South Korea.
Tjoa, S. (2018). Campus Talk "Data Science studieren" [Campus & City Radio 94.4].
Tjoa, S., & Temper, M. (2018, January 30). Data Science Innovations. Security Day, FH St. Pölten.
Ryoo, J., Kim, S., Cho, J., Kim, H., Tjoa, S., & Derobertis, C. (2017). IoE Security Threats and You. International Conference on Software Security and Assurance (ICSSA). ICSSA 2017.
KAUSPADIENE, L., CENYS, A., GORANIN, N., TJOA, S., & RAMANAUSKAITE, S. (2017). High-Level Self-Sustaining Information Security Management Framework. Baltic J. Modern Computing, 5, 107–123.
Tjoa, A. M., & Tjoa, S. (2016). The Role of ICT to Achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). ICT for Promoting Human Development and Protecting the Environment, 3–13.
Temper, M., & Tjoa, S. (2016). The Applicability of Fuzzy Rough Classifier for Continuous Person Authentication. the 2016 International Conference on Software Security and Assurance (ICSSA).
Wegerer, M., & Tjoa, S. (2016). Defeating the Database Adversary Using Deception – A MySQL Database Honeypot. 2016 International Conference on Software Security and Assurance (ICSSA).
Tjoa, S., Kochberger, P., Malin, C., & Schmoll, A. (2015). An Open Source Code Analyzer and Reviewer (OSCAR) Framework. 2nd International Workshop on Software Assurance.
Temper, M., Tjoa, S., & Kaiser, M. (2015). Touch to Authenticate – Continuous Biometric Authentication on Mobile Devices. International Conference on Software Security and Assurance (ICSSA), Korea.
Koinig, U., Tjoa, S., & Ryoo, J. (2015). Contrology - an ontology-based cloud assurance approach. IEEE International Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE).
Tjoa, S., & Rybnicek, M. (2015). Modellierung und Simulation kritischer IKT Infrastrukturen und deren Abhängigkeiten. In Cyber Attack Information System - Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse aus der IKT-Sicherheitsforschung. Vieweg+Teubner Verlag.
Rybnicek, M., Tjoa, S., & Poisel, R. (2014). Simulation-based Cyber-Attack Assessment of Critical Infrastructures. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. 10th International Workshop on Enterprise & Organizational Modeling and Simulation (EOMAS 2014), Thessaloniki, Griechenland.
Ouedraogo, M., Kuo, C.-T., Tjoa, S., Preston, D., Dubois, E., Simoes, P., & Tiago, C. (2014). Keeping an Eye on Your Security Through Assurance Indicators. 12th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT).
Poisel, R., Rybnicek, M., & Tjoa, S. (2014). Taxonomy of Data Fragment Classification Technique. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 132, 67–85.
Poisel, R., Rybnicek, M., & Tjoa, S. (2013). Game-based Simulation of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attack and Defense Mechanisms of Critical Infrastructures. International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA).
Rybnicek, M., Poisel, R., & Tjoa, S. (2013). Facebook Watchdog: A Research Agenda For Detecting Online Grooming and Bullying Activities. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC).
Rybnicek, M., Poisel, R., & Tjoa, S. (2013). Automatisierte Akquise und Auswertung kinderpornographischer Inhalte. 7. Forschungsforum der Österreichischen Fachhochschulen.
Schrattenholzer, M., Ruzicka, M., Rybnicek, M., Poisel, R., & Tjoa, S. (2013). Wer spielt gewinnt. D-A-CH Security.
Poisel, R., Rybnicek, M., Schildendorfer, B., & Tjoa, S. (2013). Classification and Recovery of Fragmented Multimedia Files using the File Carving Approach. International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications (IJMCMC), 5(3).
Poisel, R., Malzer, E., & Tjoa, S. (2013). Evidence and Cloud Computing: The Virtual Machine Introspection Approach. Journal of Wireless Mobile Networks, Ubiquitous Computing, and Dependable Applications (JoWUA), 4(1), 135–152.
Rybnicek, M., Poisel, R., Ruzicka, M., & Tjoa, S. (2012). A Generic Approach to Critical Infrastructures Modeling and Simulation. ASE International Conference on Cyber Security.
Fischer, M., Rybnicek, M., & Tjoa, S. (2012). A Novel Palm Vein Recognition Approach Based on Enhanced Local Gabor Binary Patterns Histogram Sequence. 19th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP"12), 429–432.
Poisel, R., & Tjoa, S. (2012). Inhaltsbasierte Wiederherstellung multimedialer Dateien. 6. Forschungsforum Der Österreichischen Fachhochschulen - Tagungsband 1 Informationstechnologie Als Produktionsfaktor, 119–123.
Poisel, R., & Tjoa, S. (2012). Discussion on the Challenges and Opportunities of Cloud Forensics. In Multidisciplinary Research and Practice for Information Systems (Vol. 7465, pp. 593–608). Springer.
Poisel, R., & Tjoa, S. (2012). Discussion on the Challenges and Opportunities of Cloud Forensics. In Multidisciplinary Research and Practice for Information Systems (Vol. 7465, pp. 593–608). Springer.
Tjoa, S., Jakoubi, S., Goluch, G., Kitzler, G., Goluch, S., & Quirchmayr, G. (2011). A Formal Approach Enabling Risk-aware Business Process Modeling and Simulation. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 4(2), 153–166.
Poisel, R., & Tjoa, S. (2011). Forensics Investigations of Multimedia Data: A Review of the State-of-the-Art. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on IT Security Incident Management & IT Forensics, 48–61.
Poisel, R., Tjoa, S., & Tavolato, P. (2011). Advanced File Carving Approaches for Multimedia Files. Journal of Wireless Mobile Networks, Ubiquitous Computing, and Dependable Applications (JoWUA), 2(4), 40–57.
Poisel, R., & Tjoa, S. (2011). Roadmap to Approaches for Carving of Fragmented Multimedia Files. Proceedings of The Fourth International Workshop on Digital Forensics (WSDF"11), 752–757.
Tjoa, S., & Poisel, R. (2011). A reference architecture for a scalable digital forensics toolkit. 5. Forschungsforum Der Österreichischen Fachhochschulen.
Tjoa, S., Jakoubi, S., Goluch, S., & Kitzler, G. (2010). Planning Dynamic Activity and Resource Allocations Using a Risk-Aware Business Process Management Approach. International Conference on Availability, Reliability, and Security (ARES"10), 268–274.
Jakoubi, S., Tjoa, S., Goluch, S., & Kitzler, G. (2010). A Formal Approach Towards Risk-Aware Service Level Analysis and Planning. International Conference on Availability, Reliability, and Security (ARES"10), 180–187.
Jakoubi, S., Tjoa, S., Goluch, S., & Kitzler, G. (2010). Risk-Aware Business Process Management - Establishing the Link Between Business and Security. In Complex Intelligent Systems and Their Applications (Vol. 41, pp. 109–135). Springer-Verlag.
Jakoubi, S., Neubauer, T., & Tjoa, S. (2009). A roadmap to risk-aware business process management. IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (IEEE APSCC"09), 23–27.

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