CDCNÖ – Cyber Defense Center NÖ
Setting up a Cyber Defense Center to improve educational training in IT security.
Trustworthy AI - Innovationcamp for Biotech & Health
In-service training program on explainable and trustworthy artificial intelligence.
necta against Food Waste
Reducing Food Waste in Healthcare and Nursing Institutions.
Analysis and nowcasting of extreme weather events using data from radio links
RADIX- learning system
A novel learning platform that facilitates communication and interaction between students and teachers.
A legally compliant solution of a consent management platform for smart home systems.
An open source software framework for rights clearance in software- and data engineering.
Beyond Coding -Software Development of the Future
Making software developers familiar with key competences and upcoming key technologies for building and maintaining secure and resilient IT Systems.
LoRaBridge – Increasing the Range of Cost-Effective Wireless Sensors
Using the LoRa technology to improve the range of remote wireless sensors.
Resilient Rail – Resilient sensor infrastructure in railroads
Introduces resilient systems for sensor technology used in the rail sector.
ARES - Attack resilience for IoT-Based sensor devices in home automation
Creating resilient Home automation systems that successfully withstand attacks
SecureMart - Secure & Trustworthy on premise Data Markets
Developing easy options to automatically roll out a Data Market within an organisation